Magazine Articles

A Science oriented Biotherapist

Triumph of the Domančić Method

Established over 35 years ago. For a long time, official science distanced itself from it. Today, the Slovenian government considers the promotion of the Domančić method to be in the vital interest of the entire nation, due to the possibility of preserving health, the prevention of possible illnesses, as well as the rapid and non-invasive effects of the therapy itself.

In 2008 The European Union certified the method and allowed it to be used in academic medical facilities and hospitals.

Due to the effectiveness of the method, Domančić is participating in AIDS research at Stanford University and in cancer therapy at the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia.


Over the past 30 years, he and his students, working according to his proprietary method, have cured more than a million people of various, often severe diseases. In doing so, they have proven not only that biotherapy works, but also that the results are reproducible. What’s more, that with proper training, anyone can heal themselves or others.

What is the Domančić method based on? A trained biotherapist properly transmits energy to the patient’s biofield, which strengthens the body’s immune system, which begins to fight off diseases. That’s all.

Seemingly so simple… And yet it took one man to discover this method, and then convince the authorities that it fixes things. And it was not easy. Zdenko Domančić is reluctant to talk about the beginnings. It is known that it was difficult, scientists threw trouble under his feet – they said that biotherapy is nonsense, charlatanry. Of course, he could take patients in his office, like other biotherapists, but he knew that his method was unique – that if he got recognition from scientists, he could teach it to other people, who would also start helping the sick. After all, he himself had cured how many – a thousand people? And so millions could be helped. So he began to fight for recognition of his method. He subjected it to scientific tests to prove that the method’s effects were reproducible. That is, that a certain action will always give the same result.

Miracles with a scientific certificate

In 1984, commissioned by the Minister of Health of the former Yugoslavia, Zdenko performed treatments on 300 people suffering from advanced wet gangrene just prior to lower limb amputation. The clinical tests were conducted by an International Scientific Commission comprising eminent scientists from the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, psychiatry and psychology. It was concluded beyond doubt that Domančić’s method was effective, and all patients avoided lower limb amputations and returned to full health thanks to these treatments. The experiment was watched by the media – no wonder crowds began to flock to the biotherapist.

This was not the end of the research. Researchers from the Institute of Oncology in Ljubljana examined Domančić’s method for several months. The biotherapist worked with patients suffering from the most severe forms of malignant tumours. The results proved irrefutable and all doubters had to bow out, with a large group of doctors confirming that Domančić’s method is effective in many cases of combating dangerous diseases.

Biofield destroys diseased cells

In the course of numerous studies, the phenomenon of disease reversal under the influence of the biofield was noticed. Before the eyes of scientists who observed this through microscopes, diseased cells were destroyed by the biofield, while at the same time healthy cells remained untouched. Zdenko Domančić says that human energy spontaneously selects diseased regions and concentrates only on cell structures in danger of death.

The whole secret lies in the fact that, with the method developed by Domančić, the therapist does not transfer his own energy to the patient, but uses the life energy available in nature, which is called prana or chi.

Prof Radovan Starc from NASA explains it this way: a therapist who intends to help a sick person takes a small amount from the surrounding ocean of energy and transfers it to the person in need. As a result, the therapist himself never loses vital energy. During the course of therapy, the therapist also makes no emotional contact with the patient.

– My therapists must be satisfied with basic information about symptoms, or a doctor’s diagnosis, says Domančić. – We don’t need additional arguments. We build confidence in our therapeutic method on the results of medical examinations before and after treatment.

Biotherapy – the medicine of the future

As physicists prove, information is at the root of all processes in the universe. Our body is controlled by this information contained in the energy field. It is therefore possible to effectively influence the healing process by providing the body with the right information. The medicine of the future is precisely energy and information medicine. One that is able to change a damaged information code by making a correction. In other words, it „reminds” the energy field what its original pattern is. And when the organism accepts this correction, self-healing takes place.

– It is nothing more than bringing the body’s energy system into balance, says Martyna Fon, a Polish therapist trained in the Domančić method, translator of books about the biotherapist and organiser of his visit to Poland this year.

It is well known that each of us has an aura, which can be seen, among others, thanks to Kirlian photography. The picture of the aura corresponds to the internal state of the organism – if there is a disturbance anywhere, diseases develop.

The Domančić method allows, among other things, to balance the aura by supplying pure universal energy called prana or chi. By influencing the patient’s biofield with this energy, the biotherapist merely activates the immune system. As a result, after three days, the patient’s immune system is fully mobilised and begins to fight for health.

According to Domančić, there are no incurable diseases. Indeed, scientific research has proven that the Slovenian cures almost all diseases of civilisation, from cardiovascular diseases to malignant tumours.

The therapy is stretched over four days, during which healing cycles are repeated. And most importantly, Domančić himself says: – I do not demand from my patients that they give up their treatment with traditional methods during the biotherapeutic sessions.

However, he refers to himself and those healing with his method simply as health mechanics.

Each therapist is equally effective

Since 1993, Zdenko Domančić teaches his method in seminars at the clinic in Kranjska Gora, Slovenia. Among his students are doctors, veterinarians and scientists.

All therapists worldwide using the method work in the same way, using identical techniques, so the results of their work are also similar. The method is taught according to so-called protocols, the techniques are performed a certain number of times, in specific combinations and at the right time. The impact is not so much on the disease. But on the organ where its source or cause lies.

A therapist working with the Domančić method never makes a diagnosis. You should come to the treatment with a diagnosis from your doctor and it is to this diagnosis that the therapy is adapted. Its effectiveness is confirmed beyond any doubt by the results of medical examinations carried out after a series of treatments.

Author: Tomasz Danielewski; Translation: Christoph Mencel