Magazine Articles

The Domančić Method

The method was created and further developed by him forty years ago. Today, Zdenko Domančić teaches his method at his clinic in Bled, Slovenia – the largest facility of its kind in Europe, where he and his team of therapists also receive thousands of patients

He was born in 1950 in the coastal town of Zadar, Croatia. He spent his youth on the island of Ugljan. He studied electrical engineering and, through practising martial arts, discovered bioenergy at an early age. In order to gain as much knowledge about it as possible, he travelled the world. Among other places, he visited the USSR, where he took part in scientific research on the effects of bioenergy on the biofield of living organisms and human health. In the late 1970s, he collaborated with the legendary Djuna Davitashvili (née Sardis).

He began to actively engage in healing in 1980. In 1983, he traveled to California, where he conducted research and experiments with experts in various fields, and a year later, after returning to Yugoslavia, he began treating the sick in front of his home on the island of Ugljan. However, he had to stop this activity soon as a result of a ban issued by the authorities.

In 1984, a court in Zadar issued a ruling stating that the Domančić Method had nothing to do with medicine. Nevertheless, a year later it was given to research. Clinical tests were conducted by the International Scientific Commission, which included specialists in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, psychiatry and psychology. They found the objective effectiveness of the Domančić Method unquestionable.

The commission’s research was watched by the media, and television coverage of the healing of gangrene patients caused crowds to flock to Domančić. By 1988, he had received 50,000 patients in front of his house on the island of Ugljan. During this time, he was detained seven times by the Zadar police, but under public pressure he was released each time.

In 1993, he was invited to Slovenia, where he moved permanently shortly afterwards and has been healing patients and teaching his method ever since, legally and with the support of the state (Republic of Slovenia). There, thousands of people from all over the world come every year to participate in group therapies. For eight months of the year, Domančić and his team of therapists receive around 150 people every week. It is necessary to sign up for an appointment several months in advance.

According to Slovenian sources, Domančić has healed more than one million people (Prof. R. Starc operates with a figure of about one and a half million), achieving spectacular results in almost all diseases.

Compliments of the Government and the President

A government document has been published in Slovenia, whose content was conveyed, among others, in a televised speech. It states that treatments with the Domančić method are deeply in the interest of the nation due to the preservation of health, prevention of disease and the effects of this therapy. The healer has not only been given the conditions to operate legally in Slovenia, but also to share his knowledge with everyone who wants to help others. To date, Domančić has already trained more than 30,000 bioenergotherapists. His method is original, effective, non-invasive and safe, and its results are continuously recorded and verified at the clinic he runs in Bled, near Ljubljana.

Unlike other therapeutic techniques, Domančić’s method does not involve body scanning, diagnosis, prayers or the use of any religious symbols. By following specific procedures (called protocols), the therapist knows exactly how to deal with the patients during the session.

Those who use the Domančić method do not use their own energy. That is why I never feel exhausted or tired. Zdenko’s son, Stipe Domančić says this about it: … You are just a channel for the energy of life. This energy already contains all the information about illness and health and knows perfectly well what to do, where and how. You yourself do not have to think about anything. Every problem will be corrected automatically when the vibrations start to align.

At all levels

Domančić’s bioenergetic healing method works on all levels. It reaches the causes of diseases and eliminates not only their consequences. It acts on our thoughts, prejudices and beliefs that determine the reality around us. Special attention is paid in the Domančić method to the head and the heart, i.e. to changing thoughts and emotions in order to heal the body. The physical body is an electromagnetic field whose proper functioning is based on the balance of energy potential. … when there is a lack of energy potential (biopotential) in the body or parts of it, we need to supply energy to get the biological and chemical processes going again. By supplying energy we can, for example: eliminate pain. And how? By stimulating the circulation of energy in the affected area. The tissue then rebuilds and the painful joint receives the necessary substances to produce fluid and to „hydrate”. In this way, the friction is reduced, the irritation gradually fades, and the pain subsides,” says Stipe Domančić.

Zdenko Domančić, however, explains: In reality, each of us sees up to 10% of what is actually transpiring. If the visual perception improves and a person reaches 50% he will realise that he is living in an illusion. When he regains 100% vision, he will enter a world that was completely unimaginable in his previous perception of reality.

No drugs, supplements, herbs, etc. are administered when using the Domančić method. The therapists using this method do not use any needles or special instruments. They concentrate their attention not on the disease, but on health. As therapists, according to one treatise, we do not „heal” but are a channel for lifeenergy. We deliver it to the body like a distributor – so that the body can activate the healing mechanism itself, restore it to its original state of well-being and optimize the functioning of the immune system.

Bioenergytherapy according to the Domančić Method directly strengthens the immune system, eliminates pain, regenerates tissues, significantly increases blood circulation, helps achieve maximum efficiency, physically balances electromagnetic fields in and around the body.

Over the years of his work, Domančić and his team have helped hundreds of thousands of people. The success of his method (confirmed by scientists and medical committees) has been noted in cases of diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, gangrene, Alzheimer’s disease, asthma, arthritis, hepatitis C, cancer, stroke and many others.

In recognition of his work, he received a prestigious award from the President of Slovenia. He has participated, among others, in AIDS research at Stanford University and cancer research at the Institute of Oncology in Ljubljana. His students and patients also include doctors, health professionals, veterinarians and scientists in various fields. The Slovenian Olympic team is treated at the clinic in Bled.

Anyone can learn it

Bioenergytherapy according to the Method of Zdenko Domančić (energy medicine), can be practiced individuallly, in groups or at a distance. It is also very effective with animals. Its seminars (courses) are designed for practitioners of natural medicine, people who just want to get into it and broaden their own interests, as well as for those who want to help family and friends. People of all ages and professions come to bioenergotherapy seminars. Anyone can learn this technique to a degree that allows you to effectively help others. It is not necessary to have any skills to achieve this goal. Seminars teaching the Domančić Method have so far graduated thousands of participants from all over the world.

According to Martyna Fon, the organizer of the Domančić Method bioenergotherapy seminar, which will take place in Warsaw on September 26-29, 2013, it will enable you to gain knowledge in the field of energy medicine. During it you will be able to see why scientific institutions, universities, doctors, professors and even hospitals around the world are studying the Domančić Method, (…) investing time and money in trying to understand energy healing. To learn how to master the ability to effectively help those in need. To learn a method whose effectiveness exceeds expectations while being natural, safe and non-invasive. Domančić will unveil the dimension where infinite layers of possibilities lie. He will impart, systematized knowledge, the key to activating the processes of healing, rebuilding the personality and stimulating our best doctor – the immune system.

Prof. Radovan Starc, author of the book Healing with Bioenergy according to the Zdenko Domančić Method. An Attempt at Interpretation. A Guide to the Zdenko Domančić Method says, among other things: The life-giving power has always been destined for all living species on earth. Zdenko Domančić has learned the secrets of effectively harnessing this force in healing and maintaining the health of the body and spirit. Today he is happy to share his knowledge.

Whereas Martyna Fon notes: Matter is compressed energy and information is an energy pattern. There is a process of information exchange – a process of flow – going on in our bodies all the time. When this process is blocked, disease occurs. Both energy and information are „everywhere”. As bioenergotherapists, we enable the patient to come into contact with the wave of bioenergy and the information contained therein. Our task is to help the sick body to reread and implement the information about health.

And further:

The medicine of the future is energy and information medicine. One that can change a damaged code by making corrections. Control over our body is exercised by the information contained in its energy field. One can effectively influence the healing process by providing (…) the right information. If the body resumes its physiological processes – healing will occur. A bioenergotherapist using the Zdenko Domančić Method is supposed to support the natural self-healing capacity. The whole process involves improving the body’s energy field, that it begins to function again according to its original pattern. Healing is to support the body’s self-healing mechanism.

– When a person is ill, it is a sign that their immune system in some part of the body has refused to cooperate, and we are the mechanics of this system, points out Zdenko Domančić.

In the documentary on Domančić – Think About It, broadcast by the BBC and the Discovery Channel, among others – he explains that what he does is balancing energy and transferring a life-giving force, the so-called bioplasma or bioenergy during direct (or indirect – at a distance) contact with another biological being. With the help of energy, we can cure diseases that modern medicine defines as incurable. I take energy from nature and transfer it to where it is needed. This energy contains all the information about health and illness, thanks to it we live and stay healthy. It is important to emphasise that no one heals the body – the body heals itself. I am an „immune system mechanic”, I do not heal, I help the body to fight the disease. A strong organism is able to produce every substance needed to successfully eliminate a health problem. When talking about illness, we should think about our desires and the realistic possibility of achieving them. Prevention would be to renounce unrealistic desires, because illness is the result of unfulfilment. Desires should be balanced, harmoniously adapted to the limits of our possibilities.

It is worth mentioning that Think About It features such eminent scientific personalities as David Gruder, Marilyn Schlitz, Dean Radin, Shin Lin and Anton Jeglić.

Scientific evidence

Excerpts from Prof. Radovan Starc’s book

Zdenko Domančić participated in laboratory experiments conducted at the Institute of Oncology in Ljubljana (2007). A team of scientist observed the impact of bioenergy on cells of highly aggressive cancers. After the bioenergy impact on the cancer tissues in the test tube, they were analyzed by the best experts under the microscope, among them were Prof. Dr. Marija Auersperg and Prof. Dr. Maja Cezar. The first of them, Prof. Dr. Marija Auersperg, is a well known expert in the field of oncology, a universally educated polyglot, speaking seven languages, a surgeon with a great passion for pathohistology, probably the only one of our part of the world to whom an editorial article was dedicated in the prestigious oncology magazine Journal of Surgical Oncology, written by the canadian professor Walley J. Temple: “In honour of Marija Auersperg”. (…)

The scientist who observed the morphological changes of the cells under the microscope were surprised. The malignant cancer cells effected by the bioenergy of Zdenko Domančić exploded and disintegrated before their eyes, whereas normal healthy cells remained untouched by bioenergy! Apparently, bioenergy is informed energy, that knows where and what to do. The cells effected by bioenergy were in a test tube, hence bioenergy effected them directly. The laboratory experiment did not involve the sick person’s blood, nerves and brain, nor the sick person himself. In this way, the placebo effect and the patient’s attitude, i.e. his belief in recovery, have been exluded. Mainstream medicine explains precisely with these arguments the results of other methods or miracles, which mainstream medicine cannot accomplish or explain. (…)

Zdenko Domančić has proven the biological influences and overall effects of bioenergy on humans on a larger group of patients. Since he was mainly concerned with treatments, treatments and treatments. There are a great many patients with the most serious and incurable diseases, for whom conventional medicine has exhausted it resources and resigned.

The best measure and the best arbitrators are the sick themselves. They are also the best evaluators. It is important that the method works and produces results in practice, that is, that bioenergy treatments are effective! It is up to the scientist to explain the healing effects scientifically. Domančić is no longer concerned with lay approaches and semi-scientific explanations such as “probably a coincidence”, “placebo effect” or “it’s a matter of faith”. He no longer cares about the opinions of doctors, professors and academics. He rejected the status of an associate member, offered to him by the Swedish Academy of Sciences. He is aware that many doctors respect him, they send him patients through their „own channels” and would like to have the abilities that he has and that is where the story ends. Among the physicians are thousands of his friends, and some of them are his patients.

Almost one and a half million people have already benefited from the Domančić method. The positive thing is that people now apply for threatments earlier and not just in the final stage of their illness. The spectrum of diseases is diverse, as can be found in the thickest medical textbooks. He is addressed by patients wth every possible and impossible disease, such as malignant forms of cancer, inflammations, allergies, autoimmune diseases, degenerative diseases, heart diseases, metabolic diseases, mental diseases, as well as cases of injuries. No doctor has probably ever had to deal with such a wide range of diseases. Bioenergy helps with everything. Some people recover completely, some partially and for some it only alleviates the suffering or the symptoms depending on the stage of the disease they apply for therapy. (…)

The electron microscope (SEM) is distinguished by a high resolution, which is at least one hundred times higher than the resolution of an optical microscope. If we magnify an examined structure under an ordinary microscope a thousand times, we can magnify it at least 100.000 times under an electron microscope. (…)

When analizing the shapes of the animated crystals, the size of the crystals must be taken into account. The actual size is about 3µm (1 µm is a thousandth of a millimetre 0,001 mm or a millionth of a meter). One might wonder what other shapes or figures Zdenko Domančić could create or enliven with his creative bioenergy if he could adjust the obtained changes on the screen and receive immediate feedback. Perhaps he could tap into other creative channels and create from a simple calcium carbonate shapes resembling animals, humans… Imagination knows no limits.

Why did the scientist choose crystals to study the impacts of bioenergy on matter? Because a crystal is a living system in the growth phase, very sensitive to new information. Research has proven that Domančić‘s bioenergy is both energy and information, hence the statement that many sensed since a long time: bioenergy is informed energy. Scientist are very intrigued by the creative abilities of bioenergy, for only living information or life-related information can give crystals such vivid shapes.

Other impacts of bioenergy on matter are also studied at the Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana. Prof. Dr. A. Jeglic and Prof. Dr. S. Kobe stated that the electrical conductivity of calcium carbonate in aqueous solution decreases significantly under the influence of bioenergy. They also discovered that, for example, customary bottled water changes its structural properties by as much as 51% under the influence of bioenergy. (…)

Gangrene of the lower limbs in the light of treatment with bioenergy. The hypothetical mechanisms (in the case of cures of patients with gangrene – editor’s note NŚ) are as follows:

• It is very likely that bioenergy has caused an increase in blood flow and tissue blood supply, since without this, there would be no improvement of the patient’s condition. The question is: On which levels and through which mechanisms of action did this happen? And why are these mechanisms not accessible to conventional treatment? Perhaps the blood flow has increased due to reduced external pressure on the smaller vessels, reduced swelling and inflammation, release of collateral blood circulation, possibly faster development of lateral blood vessels and thus increased circulation. Collateral vessels are numerous small lateral veins through which the blood reaches distants parts of the interrupted artery. In terms of flow capacity, they cannot match or replace te normal basic blood circulation in the uninterrupted artery. In addition, colateral or lateral blood vessels develop slowly as a reaction to repeated or permanent disorders of tissue circulation. Their development takes weeks, months and years. However, it is possible that bioenergy has also effected endovascular changes. Perhaps the blood was affected on an informational level? The best match is a comparison to the improvement of the rheological properties (flow properties) of the blood. The downside of this explanation is that medicines with this effect exist, and yet they are not effective.

• Bioenergy has most likely improved the immune response, reduced swelling and inflammation, which also indirectly affected the improvement of tissue blood supply (tissue perfusion) and accelerated wound cleansing and healing.

•Bioenergy also influences healing through other mechanisms of action, such as effects at the subatomis level, faster chemical reactions, faster and stronger enzymatic reactions, changes in the magnetic field and morphic resonance, changes in the electrical voltage of tissue, increased movement of ions at the cellular level, influences membrane potentials, galvanotaxy, etc. (…)

Translation: Christoph Mencel