Magazine Articles

The Phenomenon Zdenko Domančić

At the end of September, one of the most outstanding contemporary and scientifically researched healers in the world, Zdenko Domančić from Slovenia, will come to Poland to conduct a seminar in Warsaw on his original therapy method. Due to the special circumstances connected with his figure and his activities, Nieznany Świat has taken this event under media patronage

What makes the Croatian extrasensory unique within the global energy medicine field? A convincing answer to this question is provided by a book published in Ljubljana last year, Healing with Bioenergy according to the method of Zdenko Domančić, which will also be published in Poland any moment now, translated by Martyna Fon. Its author is a well-known Slovenian cardiologist, Professor of Medical Sciences Radovan Starc from the Department of Cardiology at the University Clinical Centre in Ljubljana (who, nota bene, will accompany Domančić on his trip to Poland).

Everyone who knows me knows that in my texts, especially those dealing with phenomena belonging to the sphere of informational medicine and unconventional therapies, I try to maintain restraint of judgement. I have to say, however, that the factual material presented by Professor Starc is striking in the full sense of the word, and his book should be mandatory reading for doctors and those who talk about bioenergotherapy or other methods of treatment not accepted by academic medicine with disregard and sometimes with open contempt. A confrontation of this attitude with the information provided in the work of Prof. Radovan Starc, the results of strictly scientific experiments, tests and research to which Zdenko Domančić has been subjected for years, may come as a shock to them. Even more so, since other renowned physicians, such as internist, cardiologist, and pathophysiologist, Professor Dr. Matjaž Bunc, public health expert, Associate Professor Dr. Dominik Komadina, and thoracic surgery specialist, Professor Dr. Michael Sok, also speak out about the Croatian healer and his therapies. They have no resistance whatsoever to accept – bearing witness to the truth – the measurable and unquestionable results of healings of the sick using the Domančić method. There is abundant evidence of the efficacy of bioenergy treatment,” writes Prof. Bunc, for example, pointing out that we are witnessing completely unbelievable results in the treatment (with bioenergy – note) of very severe chronic diseases.

From this point of view, experiments involving Z. Domančić conducted under laboratory conditions at the Institute of Oncology in Ljubljana are particularly moving. In these experiments, the Croatian therapist applied bioenergy to endothelial cells, ovarian cancer, melanoma cells, colorectal cancer and sarcoma cells, while scientists observed the changes in these cells under a microscope. Their report shows that the number of malignant cell colonies, as early as ten minutes after the start of the bioenergy exposure, decreased by an average of 20 per cent for all the cancer cells tested, while the number in the other control groups did not change at all. This means that after ten minutes of exposure to bioenergy, an average of one fifth of the malignant cells were destroyed. As you can see, bioenergy works quickly (literally within minutes) and effectively! – writes Professor Starc.

It should be added that the researchers acting as moderators of the experiment in question included internationally renowned oncologist Prof. Dr. Marija Auersberg and Prof. Dr. Maja Čemažar. In turn, during experiments with Domančić conducted at the Jozef Stefan Research and Scientific Institute in Ljubljana, in which the effect of bioenergy on calcium carbonate (calcite) crystals in aqueous solution in a silicon tube was studied using an electron microscope (the experiment involved, among others, Dr Anton Jeglič of the Faculty of Electrotechnology at the University of Ljubljana and Prof. Dr Spomenka Kobe), it was found that (quoting Prof. R. Starc): Under the influence of Domančić‘s beam of creative bioenergy, which can be called „un fascio di bioenergia creativa” ordinary crystals change and assume “living” shapes: flowers, roses, laeves etc. It is fascinating what a creative force bioenergy exerts on dead crystals. Simple, square structures have come to life under the influence of bioenergy. On the surfaces of the leaves of different shapes, you can see even the leaf blades (lamina) and the smallest details, as if you were looking at a natural leaf of a plant.

The results of the extrasensory in 1984 in Zagreb on patients with diabetic gangrene were also intriguing. They, too, proved the indisputable effect of bioenergy and bioenergotherapy on the health of patients. As we have the opportunity to read: For Zdenko Domančić, this was his first appearance before a critical group of Zagreb medical experts and he hoped that the method would be acknowledged. In order to prove the effectiveness of bioenergy treatment, a group of patients with gangrene – an incurable disease leading to leg amputation or death – were identified. The results of the treatment were fantastic; all the patients started walking, not a single one needed amputation. The expertise resulted in a book, which was published in 1986 by journalist Dražen Jakčin („The healer Domančić , treatment with bioenergy- a scientific report”).

One descriptive event will be useful to assess the effectiveness of the method. Dr. Josip Čiček, an internist, after seeing the results in person, stated: “According to medical knowledge and opinion R.P. should have been dead already, he would have had two days to live at most, and he is still alive, and his condition is even improving! If someone had told me this, i would not have believed it! Either what i have been taught for decades is wrong, or what Zdenko Domančić has achieved is a true miracle!”

Admitting that the mechanisms of the healing effect are not yet fully elucidated, for his part, Prof Radovan Starc emphasises that, given that gangrene is the result of critically disturbed blood circulation, it can be assumed that bioenergy must have influenced precisely the improvement of blood circulation, affecting patients in a way that cannot be achieved by conventional treatment methods (procedures, drugs). Conclusion: The discovery of the mechanisms of action of bioenergy is not an academic issue, but a very urgent practical problem for many patients. In Slovenia, for example, half of the deaths each year are caused by cardiovascular diseases. Many patients suffer from angina pectoris, heart attacks or strokes. A practical question arises: How does bioenergy affect these diseases? Many believe in the effectiveness of bioenergy treatment in these specific cases as well. This question is important for the patients, but probably less so for the manufacturers of medicines and medical equipment.

On pages 54-57 of this issue we provide basic information about Zdenko Domančić. I do not conceal the fact that – despite the fact that we have known about the Croatian therapist for a long time, deriving our knowledge about him primarily from various foreign sources and studies – we were not fully aware of the fact what a great body of knowledge we were dealing with. This is why we will be returning to this issue more than once in the Nieznany Świat. I would like to take this opportunity to make a personal comment.

Zdenko Domančić’s arrival in Poland and the opportunity to gather comprehensive information on his therapy are thanks to Martyna Fon from the Polish Association of Zdenko Domančić Method Therapists. This wonderful young woman, radiating downright energy (you can really feel it), came into contact with the Croatian healer a few years ago when she went to the Clinic in Bled as an interpreter (her husband, like Domančić, is Croatian). What she saw there and what she later experienced in connection with a certain traumatic event in the circle of her closest relatives – caused her to start promoting the Domančić Method upon her return to the country, as well as organizing, courses and trainings, during which she and her co-workers pass on knowledge on the subject (she herself is a certified bioenergotherapist of the Domančić Method). And so, for her, her first trip to the clinic in Slovenia (where she had already been 35 times) proved to be a breakthrough in her life; for us, meeting Martyna Fon marks the opening of a new stage in the sphere of analysing bioenergy therapy as an important segment of energy and information medicine – a field we have been covering for a long time at Nieznany Świat.

by Marek Rymuszko; Translation: Christoph Mencel