Magazine Articles

The Method that's Good for Everything

He has healed more than a million people. His method has been confirmed by science. And Zdenko Domančić’s students are already in Poland.
– I have never seen such an effective therapy method before – says Pawel Pyłka from Chelmno, who trained at Domančić’s clinic in Slovenia. Its phenomenon lies in its simplicity. It resembles chi kung techniques performed on the patient’s aura. – I don’t act with my own energy, but draw in the energy of the Earth and energy from the cosmos, says Mr Pavel. – Using hand movements, I unblock its flow in the chakras, meridians and cleanse the aura. The entire procedure takes 10-15 minutes. It should be repeated for 4-5 days in a row in order to intensively stimulate the circulation of energy in the body. Jacek Osiński from Warsaw got rid of his asthma this way. – I had been fighting the disease for 15 years,” he says. – I was taking eight medicines a day. I couldn’t sleep. I kept coughing. During the sessions I felt warm and cold alternately. After the first treatment, Jacek fell asleep without the inhaler. On the fourth day, he reduced the medicines himself to two a day. Today he is healthy.

Pilgrimages to the clinic
The Domančić method is the only one among the bioenergotherapy methods that has been scientifically proven. In 1985, it was taken under the microscope by specialists from an international medical commission. Since it was proven through ultrasound, X-ray, MRI and blood morphology that a therapist could even heal gangrene, crowds have been flocking to Domančić’s clinic in Kranjska Gora in Slovenia. Some to feel better, others to learn how to help others. The clinic is today subsidised by the Slovenian authorities and patronised by the Ministry of Health. And the patients’ testimonies are posted on a special online blog.

The organism heals itself
The therapist does not actually heal. As Domančić puts it: “When a person is sick it is a sign that his defence system in some part of the body has refused to cooperate. We are the mechanics of that system.” Energy is added where it is lacking, and subtracted where there is too much. The organism heals itself. Importantly – the therapist does not diagnose. Patients have to do medical examinations and come with a diagnosis – the treatment is adapted to it. At the end, it is best to repeat the tests. Often the results speak for themselves. And many times you can already see an improvement after the first appointment. Is treatment with this method expensive? Everything is based on voluntary donations. According to Zdenko Domančić, it is important that there is an exchange of energy: “One person will donate a cake – they will give you energy from their heart. And another will give you much more money than you would expect. Energy will always even out.” And this is the philosophy on which he built his clinic. The method can be learned during an intensive four-day course. Of course, this does not make anyone a master. What is needed is practice. In May 2008, the first group from Poland went to Slovenia – since then the seminar participants have been practising intensively. And they already have results documented by medical examinations. – A Polish Bioenergotherapy Network based on Domančić’s method is currently being established,” says Martyna Fon, who organises trips to the seminars.

Under the eye of scientists
Domančić has achieved spectacular results in every classified disease: in cases of diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, gangrene, Alzheimer’s disease, asthma, arthritis, hepatitis C, cancer, stroke and many others. He received a prestigious award from the President of Slovenia for the results of his work. He participates in AIDS research at Stanford University and in cancer research at the Institute of Oncology in Ljubljana. His clinic treats many famous people, including the Slovenian Olympic team of athletes.

Source: Gwiazdy Mówią 2008, text: RMPT
Photo: Zdenko Domančić Clinic
Translation: Christoph Mencel