Magazine Articles

The Watchmaker of Bioenergy

In the small tourist town of Kranjska Gora in Slovenia, there is a clinic run by Croatian healer Zdenko Domancic.

During his 30-year practice, he has cured almost one million people using his own healing method, which was the first in the world to be scientifically validated. What’s more, Domancić claims that anyone can learn it.

Every month, almost 900 people from Europe, Asia and America visit Kranjska Gora. They stay in nearby hotels to undergo a four-day healing cycle at Domancić’s clinic. They then return to their homes and undergo medical examinations and blood analyses to fully document their recovery.

Understanding bioenergy-healing

The local residents compete to recognise famous people visiting the clinic: well-known athletes, politicians or show business stars. Alongside the famous and the rich, there are also the poor and the completely unknown. However, all these people have something in common – they are looking for help. They wholeheartedly believe in the Domancic method, which was already scientifically proven in 1984 when, during an experiment in Zagreb, the Croatian permanently cured 300 people suffering from wet gangrene (gangrena humida), saving them from amputation of their lower limbs. And although the therapist had irrefutably proven the efficacy of his method, the special medical commission was not interested in promoting it.

– Is it humane to condemn a person to permanent disability and deprive them of the possibility to function normally, just for the sake of your personal narrow-minded interests? – asks Domancić rhetorically. – Those for whom academic medicine no longer offered any hope were given a second chance for a healthy and active life by me.

Fortunately, after many years, Zdenko Domancić found recognition and fertile ground for his research – but not in Croatia, but in neighbouring Slovenia. The Slovenian Ministry of Education even issued a special document stating that the treatment method developed by Domancić is of vital interest to the Slovenian people. What’s more, through cooperation with state institutions, the Clinic in Kranjska Gora managed to patent the bioenergy-healing method and receive funding from the European Union.

The body heals itself

According to Zdenko Domancic, no one has ever cured anyone – neither doctor nor therapist. The appearance of an illness only indicates that the immune system is unable to cope with a problem that has occurred in some organ or part of the body. In accordance with the method of the Croat, the therapist acts like a mechanic merely making adjustments to a malfunctioning immune system. When the system begins to function properly, the human body – which is in fact a perfect factory – is able to produce any substance needed to completely eradicate the illness. This is how the human body heals itself. – Let us not call a vaccine a medicine, it only serves to provoke the symptoms of an illness and stimulate the immune system. Also pharmaceuticals are not medicines, antibiotics do not cure diseases, they only support the immune system, which has refused to obey, claims Domancić. Not everything can be comprehended.

Domancić has come a very long way to gain recognition among academic medical practitioners. The creation of the method was not the culmination of his research, but the beginning of almost twenty years of perfecting the technique of bioenergy healing. The experience gained does not spontaneously transform into knowledge and understanding of the processes involved in therapy. That is why all the research required patience and, according to Domancić, an invisible hand that put together the scattered pieces of the jigsaw puzzle, creating a clear and transparent whole – I learned a lot during my travels around the world, thanks to the contacts with the people I met, Domancić recalls.

– ‘I once met an African shaman who, before my eyes, saved a man bitten by a venomous snake. To our knowledge, the poor man had only a few more hours to live. After the treatment performed by the shaman, the dying man got up and walked away as if nothing had happened. The strangest thing is that the shaman did not really know what he was doing. I spent a lot of time with him afterwards to understand that you don’t need to comprehend everything to be effective.

Wanting to scientifically validate his method, Domancić turned not only to doctors, but also to chemists, physicists, cyberneticists and psychologists – aiming for an interdisciplinary analysis of his results.

– Since my method has nothing to do with medicine, so doctors cannot be the sole arbiters of it, as they would not be credible,’ Domancić concludes.
– For the patient, the only thing that matters is the effect of recovery, not the method itself that he undergoes during treatment.

Nothing to hide

In the method developed by the Croatian, the therapist does not transfer his own energy to the patient, but uses the life energy available in nature, which is called Prana or Chi depending on the latitude. The therapist takes a quantum of energy in a fraction of a second and transfers it to the person in need using only his own energy system. In this way, the therapist himself never loses his vital energy or becomes depleted. A deeper emotional relationship with the patient is also not established during the treatment. – I forbid my therapists to converse too much with the patients. Only basic information about symptoms or a medical diagnosis must suffice for them, says Domancić. – This does not mean that I am insensitive to human suffering. Patients have spoken to their doctors previously and yet this has not led to a cure. I don’t want to burden myself or other therapists unnecessarily, because I know that every thought spoken is energy. We do not need any details. The moment the patient notices that their condition has improved, they will go to their doctor again anyway and can talk there to their heart’s content. This is how we build confidence in our therapeutic method – through the difference in medical findings before and after the treatment.

Because we are dealing with a method that is independent of the healing abilities and inner energy levels of the practitioners, Domancić is very keen to share his knowledge. To date, he has already trained more than 6,000 therapists in seminars.

– People want to know if my students are as effective as I am. My answer to them then is always that I use not my own energy in my treatment, but a method that anyone can learn. Once assimilated – it will always be effective. I could not keep such knowledge only for myself, it would be inhuman. I fought for 20 years to have my method recognised, and now I am proud that it can be used by anyone with a little more good than bad in them.

An ordinary miracle worker

In the minds of many, what Zdenko Domancić does appears as a miracle. The person concerned himself strongly denies such an approach to his method.

– Miracles are the domain of primitive people who do not understand or even try to understand the phenomenon they are experiencing. What I am doing is merely balancing energy and transferring a life-giving force, bioplasm or bio-energy, in direct contact with another biological being, Domancić explains. – It is complicated only at first glance. It is enough to know the ‘code’, which is the visualisation of the sick person and the transfer via a data channel – independent of time and place and the intention to heal. With the help of bioenergy, we can cure diseases that modern medicine defines as incurable. It is a gift to the entire human species that has existed for thousands of years.

According to Domancic, people become ill because their soul suffers from the inability to fulfil their desires. Many of our most hidden dreams are unrealistic to fulfil and when the soul realises this, the body becomes ill. Therefore, in order to avoid illness, it is necessary to harmonise our own desires and bring them into line with the limits of our possibilities. To this end, Domancić recommends repeating a well-known prayer: God, deliver me from myself. The Croatian healer sees people as spiritual beings who, through reincarnation, are continually ascending in their evolutionary development. The events of previous incarnations prepare us for the successive examinations of consciousness that play out in future incarnations.

– For me, reincarnation is a logical fact. After all, it is not possible that every human being, in a life lasting an average of 80 years, is able to accumulate the right amount of experience – whether female or male, rich or poor, healthy, sick, pretty, ugly, happy, unhappy. All this requires many incarnations,” Domancić argues. – When we are observers of an event, we gain relative experience. By contrast, when we take part in the event, our experience becomes absolute. Thus, the absolute experience of all those possibilities that earthly destiny offers us cannot be contained in a single life, even the longest one.

God within us

The philosophy professed by the Croatian could be encapsulated in two words: modesty and moderation. Old souls who give an example to others with their lives are tolerant, loving and accepting. According to the logic of the dualistic worldview, when we experience happiness in life, we can be sure that one day, perhaps even in the next incarnation, we will experience a similar dose of unhappiness.

– When the pointer of the great metronome swings too far in one direction, it will also have to swing in the opposite direction, with all the consequences, whether we want it or not, says Domancić. – That’s why one should steer towards modesty in life. And it cannot just be faked, because it is impossible to deceive God, who is within us. Before God, as before ourselves, we should always remain honest. Doing so will save us from unnecessary suffering and many illnesses.

Authors: Martyna Fon , Włodzimierz Adam Osiński; Translation: Christoph Mencel